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14 as-apsaaqausaa .—-up -./--4 HUNT.-RESEARCHES ON LIGHT: An Examination of all the Phenomena connected with _the Chemical and Molecular produced by the Influence of the Solar Rays; embracing] all the known Photographic ceases, and new Discoveries in the Art Bk; ROBERT UNT, Kee of Mining Museum of Economic Geology. 8vo. with P te and Woodcuts, los. cloth. JAMES.-A HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF EDWARD THE BLACK PRINCE, and of various Events connected therewith, which occurred during the Reign of Edward lll. King of England. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq. New Edition. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. Map, 15s. cloth. MRS. JAMESON.—LEGENDS OF THE MON ASTIC ORDERS: ' ' in the History of the Franciscans, as connected with the Revival of Art - Legends of t ose yal Personages who died in the Religious Habit; and Notes on the Remains of English Legendary Art. By Mrs. Jameson, Author of “ Sacred and Legendary Art,” &c. Square crown 8vo. with numerous Illustrations. [Nearly ready.

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