Page:A Practical Treatise on Olive Culture, Oil Making and Olive Pickling.djvu/43

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the production of pure olive oil is far from being equal to the consumption of the world; hence the many adulterations in which cotton-seed, linseed, cocoanut, lard oil, etc., play such an important part, and tend to keep up a natural prejudice against an article whose bad taste is so far from the exquisite delicacy of the genuine.

But similar dangers are not to be feared in California, where the thermometer falls very seldom below 30° Fahr., and will reach only very exceptionally 28°, or one or two degrees lower; while the Olive tree will stand without danger as much as 15°, and even 12° and 10°. It is thus that what is a serious check to its development in Europe, is the very reason why its culture should be adopted fearlessly and extensively under the temperate climate of California, for which Providence has been so lavish in its beneficent gifts.