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A Princetonian.

"Just one other question—it may be unfair, but I trust not—do you like him?"

"No," returned Hart honestly, "I don't."

Miss Hollingsworth started walking forward again, and now she changed the direction of conversation without leaving the subject.

"Do you really think that he understood exactly what you said last night, and just did not wish to try to answer you?"

"Yes," said Hart, "I think that's it. His answer would have been worth listening to. He is not a random talker by any means."

"Well, let's drop him for a moment," said Madge, with a nervous laugh, "and talk about yourself. This is your senior year now, isn't it? What are you going to do when you leave? Don't think me impertinent, asking you so many questions! pray don't!"

"Think you impertinent!" ejaculated Hart, "if you only knew—" He checked himself. "Your interest is very kind; thank you for it," he went on. "But to answer you I—have not exactly decided what I shall do. I might do as a friend of mine has done, and try teaching school; but I don't think that it would suit me altogether. I would like something else better."