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Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

at his heels. When they emerged into the sunlight, the latter turned and spoke:

"Stickler, wasn't it?"

"Mucilaginous," replied the young man with glasses; "I hope he doesn't send mine to Puck."

"It's a funny thing how you can forget now, isn't it? My name is Congreve."

"And mine is Golatly," replied the other.

They shook hands. In another moment there was quite a group about the door-way, and after a short discussion upon the examination, the freshmen strolled off in groups of three and four.

L. Putney Betts had been fortunate enough to secure a room in University Hall. As he had already been in Princeton for the past week tutoring, it was quite habitable. There were yachting pictures and English sporting prints all over the walls. A handsome mahogany cigar box with silver handles rested upon the table. The room was filled with blue smoke and the odor of very excellent tobacco. The window seat was packed with young men who