Page:A Problem in Japan's Control of the Press in Korea, 1906-1909.djvu/10

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were at the meeting.)[1] Bethell stated that the only private use of the fund was his use of five thousand yen to assist in his house construction since September of 1907. The Japanese authorities also could not produce any evidence to make a criminal charge against Yang, and there followed "the complete collapse of the prosecution."[2] Ito was very much disturbed by this fiasco. Pointing out that the Japanese police method as used in this Bethell case was not to his liking, he stated:

It was his wish from the outset not to produce a criminal but to clarify the truth concerning the management of the fund for the National Foreign Debt Reimbursement Association. Before my departure from Seoul I instructed Maruyama specifically not to treat Yang Ki-ta'ek as a criminal, but Maruyama, only with reliance on the reports made by detectives, handed Yang over to the court despite deficiency in the factual evidence. This hasty action is much to be regretted....[3]

For the conclusion of this episode, the verdict of "not guilty because of lack of evidence was given to Yang on September 29 by the Seoul court.[4] No one in this connection brought a charge against Bethell before a British consular court.

It is difficult to estimate how much decline in popularity Bethell's papers suffered during and after the trials, and the public attitude concerning the trials was not uniform in its sympathy toward Bethell.[5] Some pro-Japanese Korean organizations were, however, exploiting the opportunity by urging a boycott of the papers.[6] What it all amounted to testifies to the authoritative position of Japan in Korea by that time.[7]

Bethell left Seoul permanently shortly thereafter, still watched by Japanese detectives, and Maruyama was also relieved of his position.[8]

  1. "Kenki (Gendarmery Secret Report)," ibid., 306, pp. 54-57.
  2. "The Recent Seoul Trial," North China Daily News (Shanghai), Oct. 3, 1908, op. cit.
  3. Ito to Sone, Aug. 5, 1908, JA(Korea) 306, pp. 47-49.
  4. For a detail of the court proceedings and the decision, see ibid., 356, pp. 90-101.
  5. Taehan Maeil Simbo 'Bethell' Shobatsu ni taisuru Chiho Minshin no Jokyo (Local Public Reaction to Japanese Legal Action on Mr. Bethell of the Taehan Maeil Simbo)," 1908, ibid., 306, pp. 130-133.
  6. "Kenki (Gendarmery Secret Report)," Sept. 1, 1909, ibid., 357, p. 111.
  7. "Taehan Maeil Simbo 'Bethell' Shobatsu ni taisuru Chiho Minshin no Jokyo (Local Public Reaction to Japanese Legal Action on Mr. Bethell of the Taehan Maeil Simbo)," op. cit.
  8. Ishizuka to Tsuruhara, Aug. 27, 1908, ibid., 290, p. 76; Wakabashi to Nabeshima, Dec. 4, 1908, ibid., 352, p. 182. This telegram was about the death of Mr. Bethell on May 1, 1909.