Page:A Recommendation of Inoculation - John Morgan.djvu/7

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Recommendatory Preface.

IT is the opinion of some very observant men that there are few persons but what have the Small-Pox at some period of their lives. According to them, at least a fourteenth part of all that are born into the world, die of it. Of those who get it in the natural way, on the most moderate estimation, if we can trust to the reflections of Monsieur Gattie, (to whom the world is indebted for his many other useful remarks on the subject;) the proportion that dies, to those that recover, is as one to ten.[1] Certain it is that a great number of the human race are swept away by its fatal influences; for ever since it has made its first appearance in the known parts of the world, it has marked its course, by the terror,

  1. D'après les Calculs les plus modérés la quatorzieme partie des hommes naissent meurent de la petite, vérole, & sur ceux qui sont attaqués de cette cruelle maladie, le nombre de ceux qui en meurent, est au nombre de ceux qui en réchappent, selon quelques ecrivains, comme un à dix; selon d'autres, comme un à sept; et en particulier, d'après celles que l'Hôspital de l'inoculation de Londres vient de fournir, comme un à quatre.—