Page:A Reconstruction Letter, Stedman, 1866.djvu/16

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A Reconstruction Letter.
But once we have made up our own little books,
And the jockeys grow tired of his manners and looks,
And the season draws near for the Washington Race,
We'll put up another, I guess, in his place:
Eh! Th-rl-w, old boy, the great Reconstructor
May one of these days learn to know his conductor,
When certain new methods and plans come to pass,
And this big stalking-horse finds he's turned out to grass!
But to drop tropes and figures and come to plain text,
Let's see what's been doing and what's to do next.
Of our progress thus far you know the whole story,
The speeches, the dinners, processions and glory.
Ere we left the Wh-te H—se (hearing A-dy rehearse
For the last time his lessons, page, chapter and verse,