Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/17

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ambun. He came very early when the dew was on the ground.

Ambur (v. f. ngambur; beambur or bamJntr}, to sprinkle. Ambur ka brau nya di tikai. Sprinkle that rice on the mat. Iya .ngambur ka uuang di jalai. He scattered money on the road.

Ami (v. f. ngami ; beami or bami), adj. wet, muddy, v. to make wet. Tengah laman iya .ami. The ground in front of his house is muddy. Iya ngunsai ai ngarni ka jalai. He sprinkles water in order to wet the road.

Amok (v. f. ngamok; beamok or bamok), s. an attack, the act of “ running-a-muck,” v. to attack, “ run-a-muck,” do a great deal. Aku meda orang ti ngamok di pasar. I saw the man who “ran-a-muck” in the bazaar. Iya ngamok bumai taun tu. He did a great ■deal of farming this year.

Ampa (beampa or barnpa}, adj. worthless, empty, s. rubbish, husk, chaff. Ampa magang padi nya. That paddy is all empty (all husk). Jako ampa. Vain talk. Iya ampa kami menyadi. He is the worst amongst us brethren. Nganti ai ngampoh ka umai kitai nganyut ka ampa. Wait until the water floods the paddy field and we will send the rubbish adrift.

Ampai (v. f. ngampai; beampai or bampai}, s. any cloth that is put on the shoulder, v. to put such on the shoulder.

Ampalebang{beampalebang or bampalebang}, the greatest liar.

Ampang (v. f. ngampang}, s. a bastard, (usually anak ampang}, adj. the worst, value­ less, v. to be of no value, to cause to be worthless, to be the cause of a bastard child. anak ampang. He is an illegitimate son. Iya nya ampang kami Undup. He is the worst of us Undups. Iya udah ngampang ka indti. He has caused a woman to have a bastard child.

Ampat or empat, four.

Ampek (beampek or bampek}, dirt on the body. Nuan tu bau ampek. You smell of mud.

Ampin (v. f. ngampin; beampin or barn­ pin}, s. a baby’s napkin, v. to put a napkin under an infant.

Ampir (v. f. ngampir ; beampir or bampir}, to approach, go near. Ampir iya enggau trabai. Approach him with a shield. Ampir mati. At the point of death, /jzi mansang ngampir ka munsoh. He goes to approach the enemy.

Ampis, usually bau ampis, the smell of the body.

Ampit (v. f. ngampit; beampit or bampit}, to have a share, get a division. Sida ngampit ka. aku asi. They did not finish the cooked rice but left a share of it for me.

Ampoh. (v. f. ngampoh; beampoh or bampoh}, to overflow, flood. Ai bah ngampoh ka samoa empran. The fresh flooded the whole plain.

Ampul, light, soft, as applied to wood. Kayu ampul. A light wood.

Ampun (v. f. ngampun ; beampun or barn­ pun}, s. forgiveness, pardon, submission, v. to forgive, submit. Iya udah ngampun penyalah aku. He has forgiven my fault.

Amput (v. f. ngamput; beamput or barnput}, s. a sting, v. to copulate, have connec­tion with, sting. Amput indu utai nya bisa bendar. That insect’s sting is very poisonous.

Amu, greedy, covetous.

Amur-amur or amur, a mud stain, ob­scured. Tuboh sida anembiak ambis amur udah mandi ai kroh. The children’s bodies are mudstained from bathing in dirty water. Hari nyau amur. The sky is obscured.

Amus (beamus or bamus}, a small species of ant.

Anak (v. f. nganak or menganak; beranak), s. child, young of animals and plants, adj. small in quantity, a little, v. to brini Kami udah Anak aku sakit. My child is ill. Kami udah nangkap siko anak jugam. We have caught a young bear. Ikan anak. Small fish. Anak mulong. Sago suckers. Anak besi anak garam. A little iron and a little salt. Anak ampang. A bastard. Anak biak. A young child. Anak mensia. A man (as opposed to anak jelu, an animal.) In New Test. Anak Mensia is used for the Son of Man. Anak raja. A rainbow. Anak tuai. The eldest son, the heir. Tunjok anak. The little fin­ger. Anak pengkuan, the youngest born. Anak bunsu. The youngest child. Anak tunggal. The only child.

Anam or nam, six.

Anang, the prohibitive, do not. Anang sanang. Don’t by any means (emphatic).

Auchau (v. f. nganchau ; beanchau or ban­ chatt}, to spread. Iya agi nganchau tikai di ruai. He is still spreading a mat on the ver­andah.

Anchi-anchi, only used with the nega­tives enda or ukai and it then implies excessive. Pemrat mas ukai anchi-anchi. The weight of the gold is excessive. Ukai anchi-anchi. Be­ yond measure. [For a similar use of such a word see chachamang]

Anchin, quite rotten. Ikan nya nyau anchin. That fish is quite rotten.

Anchit (v. f. nganchit; beanchit or banchit), to send flying, shoot out like a shot, be hasty. /;'<? tan nganchit ka leka padi. He can make the rice shoot out of its husk.

Anchur (v. f. nganchur; beanchur or ban­ char}, to melt, disperse. Anchur lilin nya, Melt that wax. Bala iya undor lain anchur. His army fell back and straightway dispersed, Andaa, always lucky. Andaa bulih ikan. Always getting fish. Andaa bulih padi. Al­ways getting plenty of paddy.

Andai (v. f. ngandai; beandai or bandai}, to provide, work for. Andai apai nuan. Provide for your father. Andai iya enda betuku. He works for (his people) in an im­proper manner.

Andal (v. f. ngandai; beandai or bandal}, adj. glad, happy, v. to trust, have confidence in a person, rejoice. Aku andal. I am hap­py. Samoa anembiak iya andal meda. All his followers rejoiced to see it. Aku andal meda nuan bulih padi. I am glad to see you