Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/25

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His child’s swaddling cloth is very long. Iya malut ahi enggau tajong. He wrapped me up with a sarong. Iya malut jako ahi. He entangles my speech.

Bam, s. a gourmand ; adj. greedy in eat­ing Bambai (see ambai), to commit fornica­tion, adultery. Anang nuan bambai. Do not commit fornication.

Bambam (v. f. mambam; bebambam) s. a large bundle of sireh wrapped up (in leaves),v. to wrap up sireh in leaves. Bisi bambam sireh di bilik kami. We have a large bun­dle of sireh in our room wrapped up. Apai mambam sireh enggan daun pisang. Father wrapped up sireh in banana leaves.

Bambang, large. Bambang daun bungai rajang nya. That orchid’s leaves are large. Ban (v. f. man ; beban), to level the sur­face of wood with an adze, hence to cut planks, cut a boat’s keel out of a tree trunk. Iya man tiang. He is levelling the surface of the wood for a post, i.e. he is cutting out posts.

Banang (bebanang), s. a band on the shaft of a spear about six inches from the extremity, the point of a blow-pipe dart, v. to have a band round the spear shaft. Eitiran sangko iya bebanang. His spear shaft has a band to it.

Banchak (v. f. manchak; bebanchak), to throw, thrust. Ahi meda iya manchak jani nuan enggau sangko. I saw him thrust at your pig with a spear.

Banchar, a harsh person.

Banda, red in colour (only applied to fowls).

Bandam (bebandam), a large species of wild pig, a kind of palm (biru) used by Dyaks to make a leaf mat (samit).

Bandau (bebandau), the largest kind of iguana.

Bandi (v. f. mandi ; bebandi), s. the house­ warming ceremony (mandi rumah), v. to wash. Rumah ahi bedau dibandi; ahi ka mandi iya taun tu nyadi badu orang bejako “ bandi rumah nuan.” I have not yet had a house-warming ; I wish to hold my house­ warming this year so that people may cease saying “ hold your house-warming.”

Banding (v. f. mauding ; bebanding), s. a comparison, analogy, v. to compare, contrast. Tu bandingjako iya ti dulu enggau ti dudi. This is the comparision between his former and latter statements. Iya mauding aku eng­gau iya empu. He compares me with himself.

Bandir (bebandir), s. the buttress of a tree, v. to have, or form a buttress. Luar bandir tu. This buttress is broad. Tapang tu barn bebandir. This bee-tree is about to form a buttress.

Bandong, twins fas applied to fowls), the tapioca plant; a Chinese trading boat with masts.

Bandong (v. f. mandong; bebandong', to sit alongside or close to. Iya mandong aku dudok. He sits alongside of me.

Baneng (bebaneng), the large inland tor­toise (Testudo Enys).

Bang (bebang,) a piece of wood running athwart supporting the sides of a nativemade boat.

Banga, adj. deaf.

Bangai, or ka bangai, a long time, at length, lyanyaii bangai makai. He has been a long time eating. Nyau bangai ahi nganti nuan. I have waited a long time enough for you. Nyadi udah ka bangai iya pegari deh pengarang ati remaung. Now at length there appeared the ferocity of the (grown) tiger.

Bangan (bebanganj, a nibong spear, blow­ pipe arrow.

Bangat (v. f. ngemangat), adv. very, ex­cessive, v. to make excessive, over-much, greater than usual ; a range of hills dividing the Saribas and Skarang rivers. Bangat sakit. ‘Very ill. Bangat maioh orang. Very many people. Bangat kalalu. Quite too much. Iya ngemangat ka jako. She spoke over-much.

Bangau (bebangau), usually burong bangau, a white stork or paddy bird (burong apu of the Malays).

Banggar (v. f. ngemanggar, or manggar; bebanggar), s. a lie, falsehood, a liar, smell, adj. rotten, v. to cause to become a liar, to rot. Nuan banggar. You are a liar. Iya manggar kadiri. He made himself a liar. Alanok indu nya enda mram mina manggar ka telu. That hen does not sit properly she simply rots the eggs. Tu utai banggar. This is a rotten thing.

Banggor, swollen (of the lips only).

Bangkai (bebangkai), a corpse, the dead body of any animal.

Bangkal (v f. ngemangkal, or mangkal; bebangkai) adj. deaf and stupid, v. to pretend to be deaf and stupid. Iya mangkal kadiri. He pretended to be (lit. made himself) deaf and stupid.

Bangkang (bebangkang), lead ; a proper name, f. Bangkar, or tebangkar, unfinished work (such as an incomplete basket).

Bangkas, buff-coloured (of fowls only).

Bangkat (bebangkat), a kind of basket for carrying a load.

Bangkit (bebangkit), a scented flower, scented leaves or fruit of certain jungle trees used as scent or ornaments to decorate the hair or body.

Bangkoh (bebangkoh), lead.

Bangkong (bebangkong), a Dyak boat, a dug out.

Bangku (bebangku), a bench.

Bangkut, common to both sexes, epi­cene.

Bangun (v. f. mangun; bebangun), to beat, thresh.

Bangun (v. f. mangtin; bebangun), to instal a person in the office of manang. Man­arig ni ti mangun nuan manang? What man­ang made you a witch doctor!

Bansa (bebansa), s. race, tribe, caste, rank, sort, kind, v. to be of high rank. Bisi maioh bansa mensia. There are many races of man­kind. Bansa ni nuan unggali To what tribe do you belong friend ? Nuan tu bansa baroh.