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three pistols rang out two of the Spaniards went down, one shot in the side and the other in the breast. At once the office began to fill with smoke.

"Down with all—of—them!" gasped poor Longley. "Don't—let—them—get—away or you are—lost!" and then he fainted from loss of blood.

We had seen the two soldiers fall and now all three of us rushed through the smoke at the third fellow. Again a pistol shot rang out, and a bullet touched Matt Gory on the arm. But that was the last time that that Don ever pulled a trigger, for the Irishman fired in return and he fell headlong, shot through the heart.

"Lock the door!" I cried, to Dan, and he leaped to do as bidden. Then, seeing that the two Spaniards on the floor were incapable of doing further harm, I turned my attention to poor Longley and carried him to a rattan lounge which stood in a corner.

It was no easy task to bind up the clerk's wound. By the time it was accomplished the two Spaniards who had been knocked over were coming around. Soon one of them began to yell feebly for assistance.

"This will never do!" whispered Dan. "We'll have the guards down on us in short order. Gag them."