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"Good for you, Ah Sid!" cried Tom Dawson. "You can fight, even if you are a heathen."

"Shall me finish um?" asked the cook, as he still held the stone which had done such good work.

"No, no, that would be murder!" I ejaculated in horror. "They are both pretty badly done for and won't get over this for an hour or more. Come on, unless there are more coming."

"Only dese two, Mlister Raymond. Where you goee?"

"We thought we might find one of the small boats," answered the mate.

"Little boatee dlis way." Ah Sid pointed down the beach. "Hurry if wantee him, or bad man git um."

Away we went, the Chinaman leading the party. As he ran he managed to tell us that he had escaped from the Tagals two days before, but had been unable to get away from the territory. "Watt Brown, Matt Gory, and um captain gittee away, too," he concluded. "No knowee where them goee dough."

It did not take long to reach the small boat, which lay in the cove where we had originally landed. The second small boat was gone, the natives having carried it off.

"Now for a stock of provisions," I said.