primitive, with the limitations given in 1. b.; thus, rdnku, rankava; gdrga, gdrgyah, but gargyayani. A naturally short vowel in the penult, if followed by a group of consonants containing y or u, does not generally become long by position; thus, prdbala, prdba- lyam; ukta, uktatvat.
3. In verbs and verbal derivatives joined with prepositions, in augmented and reduplicated forms, and sometimes in declensional forms, the accent is recessive, if the root or stem-syllable be short ; thus, dgamat, dnatam, anusthitam, but utkfstam, niruktam ; dgamat, dksipat, but bibhdrti, tustdva,jagdu. Polysyllabic prepositions, when prefixed to other words, retain their own accent as secondary accent; thus, upagacchati, upagdmatdm.
4. In compounds, unless the first member be a monosyllabic word, each part generally retains its own accent, but that of the principal member is the strongest ; thus, rdjapurusam, pdrvatagi- khardkaram ; but unmukham, diggajam, pragisyam.
The division of syllables is much more apparent in Sanskrit than in English. In reading Sanskrit prose the Hindus generally drop into a sort of sing-song recitativo. Verses are always chanted.