Page:A Satyr Against Hypocrites - Philips (1655).pdf/25

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( 19 )

But happily we fell, and then the Vine
Did Noah plant, and all the Priests drank wine:
Truly we cannot but rejoyce to see
Thy gifts dispenc'd with such equality.
To us th'hast given wide throats, and teeth to eat;
To the women, knowledge how to dress our meat.
Make us devoutly constant in thy cup,
And grant us strength when we shall cease to sup,
To bear away thy creatures on our feet,
And not be seen to tumble in the street.
We are thy sheep, O let us feed, feed on,
Till we become as fat as any Brawn.
Then let's fall to, and eat up all the cheer;
Straight So be it he cryes, and calls for beer.
Now then, like Scanderbeg, he falls to work,Much good
may do
you Sir.

And hews the Pudding as he hew'd the Turk:
How he plough'd up the Beef like Forrest-land,
And fum'd because the bones his wrath withstand.
Upon the Mutton he fell like Woolf or Mastie,
Still hewing out his way unto the Pastie:
At first a Sister helpt him, but this Elfe sir,
Wearying her out, she cryes, Pray help your self sir.
Upon the Pastie though he fell anon,
As if't had been the walls of Babylon.
Like a Cathedral down he throws that stuff,
Why, Sisters, saith he, I am pepper proof.
Then down he pours the Claret, and down again,
And would the French King were a Puritan,
He cryes: swills up the Sack, and I'le be sworn,
Quoth he, Spains King is not the Popes tenth horn.Christian

By this his tearing hunger doth abate,
And on the second course they 'gan to prate.
Then quoth Priscilla, Oh my brother dear,No grace after meet.
Truly y'are welcome to this homely chear,
And therefore eat, good brother, eat your fill;
Alas for Daniel my heart aketh still.
Then quoth the Priest, Sister be of good heart;
But she reply'd, good Brother eat some Tart.
