Page:A Selection of Hymns Used in the Parish Church, and the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ulverston, Ed. by R. Daniel.djvu/107

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Not what we wish but what we want,
Oh let Thy grace supply;
The good, unask'd, in mercy grant;
The ill, though ask'd, deny.

HYMN 145.

The saints on earth, and those above,
But one communion make;
Join'd to the Lord in bonds of love,
All of His grace partake.

One family we dwell in Him,
One church above, beneath,
Though now divided by the stream,
The narrow stream of death.

One army of the living God,
To His command we bow;
Part of the host bave crossid the flood,
And part are crossing now.

Lord Jesu, be our constant guide!
Then, when the word is giv'n,
Bid death's cold flood its waves divide,
And land us safe in Heaven.

HYMN 146.

We sing of the realms of the blest,
That country so bright and so fair;
And oft are its glories confess'd,
But what must it be to be there?

We speak of its freedom from sin,

From sorrow, temptation, and care,