Page:A Selection of Hymns Used in the Parish Church, and the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ulverston, Ed. by R. Daniel.djvu/15

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Jesus, our great High Priest,
Has full atonement made;
Ye weary spirits, rest;
Ye mournful souls be glad;
The year of Jubilee is come;
Return, ye ransom'd sinners home.

Extol the Lamb of God,
The all-atoning Lamb;
Redemption by his blood
Through all the world proclaim.
The year of Jubilee is come;
Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.

Ye who have sold for nought
Your heritage above,
Receive it back unbought,
The gift of Jesus' love;
The year of Jubilee is come;
Return, ye ransom'd sinners home.

HYMN 11.

Brightest and best of the sons of the morning!
Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid!
Star of the east, the horizon adorning,
Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid.

Cold on His cradle the dewdrops are shining,
Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall;
Angels adore Him in slumber reclining,
Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all.