Page:A Series of Plays on the Passions Volume 1.pdf/166

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How dearly should he pay for this hour's storm!
[Exeunt severally.


A Summer Apartment in the Country, the windows of which look to a forest. Enter Victoria in a hunting dress, followed by Albini and Isabella, speaking as they enter.

Vict. to Alb. And so you will not share our sport to-day?

Alb. My days of frolick should ere this be o'er,
But thou, my charge, hast kept me youthful still.
I should most gladly go, but since the dawn
A heavy sickness hangs upon my heart,
I cannot hunt to-day.

Vict. I'll stay at home and nurse thee, dear Albini.

Alb. No, no, thou shalt not stay.

Vict.Nay, but I will.
I cannot follow to the cheerful horn
Whilst thou art sick at home.

Alb.Not very sick.
Rather than thou shouldst stay, my gentle child,
I'll mount my horse, and go e'en as I am.

Vict. Nay, then I'll go, and soon return again.
Meanwhile, do thou be careful of thyself.

Isab. Hark, hark! the shrill horn calls us to the field,
Your highness hears it?(musick without.)

Vict.Yes, my Isabella,