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Jerome's House. A large old fashioned Chamber.

Jer. (speaking without.) This way good masters.

Enter Jerome, bearing a light, and followed by Manuel, and Servants carrying luggage.

Rest your burdens; here.
This spacious room will please the Marquis best.
He takes me unawares; but ill prepar'd:
If he had sent, e'en tho' a hasty notice,
I had been glad.

Man. Be not disturbed, good Jerome;
Thy house is in most admirable order;
And they who travel o'cold winter nights.
Think homeliest quarters good.

Jer. He is not far behind?

Man.A little way.
(To the servants.) Go you and wait below till he arrives.

Jer. (Shaking Manuel by the hand.) Indeed, my friend, I'm glad to see you here,