Page:A Series of Plays on the Passions Volume 1.pdf/384

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Abb. Ha! who may this be? hush!
(Knocking heard again.)

2d Monk. It is the knock of one in furious haste.
Hush, hush! What footsteps come? Ha! brother Bernard.

Enter Bernard bearing a lantern.

1st Monk. See, what a look he wears of stiffen'd fear!
Where hast thou been, good brother?

Bern. I've seen a horrid sight!

(All gathering round him and speaking at once.)
What hast thou seen?
Bern. As on I hasten'd, bearing thus my light,
Across the path, not fifty paces off,
I saw a murther'd corse stretch'd on its back,
Smear'd with new blood, as tho' but freshly slain.

Abb. A man or woman?

Bern.A man, a man!

Abb. Did'st thou examine if within its breast
There yet is lodg'd some small remains of life?
Was it quite dead?

Bern. Nought in the grave is deader.
I look'd but once, yet life did never lodge
In any form so laid.—
A chilly horrour seiz'd me, and I fled.

1st Monk. And does the face seem all unknown to thee?

Bern. The face! I would not on the face have look'd
For e'en a kingdom's wealth, for all the world.