Page:A Series of Plays on the Passions Volume 1.pdf/393

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Before the gates of the Convent. Enter Jane De Monfort, Freberg and Manuel. As they are proceeding towards the gate, Jane stops short and shrinks back.

Freb. Ha! wherefore? has a sudden illness seiz'd see?

Jane. No, no, my friend.—And yet I am very faint—
I dread to enter here!

Man.Ay! so I thought:
For, when between the trees, that abbey tower
First shew'd its top, I saw your count'nance change.
But breathe a little here; I'll go before,
And make enquiry at the nearest gate.

Freb. Do so, good Manuel.
(Manuel goes and knocks at the gate.)
Courage, dear madam: all may yet be well.
Rezenvelt's servant, frighten'd with the storm,
And seeing that his master join'd him not,
As by appointment, at the forest's edge,
Might be alarm'd, and give too ready ear
To an unfounded rumour.
He saw it not; he came not here himself.
Jane (Looking eagerly to the gate, where Manuel talks with the Porter.) Ha! see, he talks with some one earnestly.