Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/91

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Chap. V.]

purposes, and the water as a rule should be fetched in the morning. The use of camphor, sandal-wood and light clothes is recommended. Flowers, moonlight, playing in the water and light and cooling articles of food are salutary. On the other hand, curds, exercise, sour, pungent, hot and acid things, and exposure to the sun, are injurious. This is the most unhealthy season in India, and is aptly described by a common Sanskrit hemistich, "Vaidyasya sharadi mata, pita cha kusumakaras," which means "the autumn is the mother, and the spring the father, of the physician." For the Vaidyas are never so busy as in the two unhealthy seasons, which provide them with the means of livelihood. "May you live a hundred Sharads" is a common form of benediction among the Hindoos. Purgatives to evacuate the bile, and bloodletting in strong persons, are conducive to health in this season.

In Hemanta the rules of conduct to be observed are similar to those prescribed for Shishira.

These practical precepts have received the seal of sanction and approval from the Hindoo religion, which has made them binding on the people, who still cling to them, though foreign invasions and intestine dissensions have materially