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Chap. VI.]

to the Hindoo theory, on VATA, which alone possesses motive power. It is susceptible of taking on qualities by contact, but it is naturally dry, light, cool, sharp, fine and motive. It is of five kinds, distinguished from one another according to the functions they perform in the organism. Their names are Udana, Prana, Samana, Apana and Vyana.

Udana is situated in the neck, above the sternum. It is by this wind that one can speak, sing, and utter sounds. When it becomes defective, it produces diseases in the parts above the clavicles.

Prana is situated in the chest and passes through the mouth and nose, and is the means of respiration and performing deglutition. When it is deranged it produces hiccough, asthma, etc.

Samana is in the stomach, in the neighbourhood of the gastric fire. It converts the food introduced into the digestive canal into a nourishing juice, and separates the juice from the refuse which is to be rejected from the body. When vitiated it causes dyspepsia, diarrhoea and colic.

Apana is located in the hypogastrium. Its function is to expel faeces, urine, semen, menstrual fluid and the foetus. When vitiated it causes con-