Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/193

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Rome and Carthage 173 When the Carthaginian came up to ram or shear the oars of the Roman, huge grappHng irons seized him and the Roman soldiers swarmed aboard him. At Mylse (260 B.C.) and at Ecnomus (256 b.c.) the Carthaginians were disastrously beaten. They repulsed a Photo : llrogi. HANNIBAL Bust in the National Museum at Naples Roman landing near Carthage but were badly beaten at Palermo, losing one hundred and four elephants there — to grace such a tri- umphal procession through the Forum as Rome had never seen before. But after that came two Roman defeats and then a Roman recovery. The last naval forces of Carthage were defeated by a last Roman effort at the battle of the ^gatian Isles (241 B.C.) and Carthage sued