Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/356

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336 A Short History of The World EURO PE a/ggr the (3m^ css_of_ w~~c-x = 1 ' C^TTTT FJ^J^ C i^l letimL — ■ In 1821 there was an insurrection of the Greeks against the Turks. For six years they fought a desperate war, while the govern- ments of Europe looked on. Liberal opinion protested against this inactivity ; volunteers from every European country joined the insurgents, and at last Britain, France and Russia took joint action. The Turkish fleet was destroyed by the French and English at the Battle of Navarino (1827), and the Tzar invaded Turkey. By the treaty of Adrianople (1829) Greece was declared free, but she was not permitted to resume her ancient republican traditions. A German king was found for Greece, one Prince Otto of Bavaria, and Christian governors were set up in the Danubian provinces (which are now Rumania) and Serbia (a part of the Jugo-Slav region). Much blood had still to run however before the Turk was altogether expelled from these lands.