Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/429

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Chronological Table 409 A.D. A.D. 227. Ardashir I (first Sassanid shah) put an end to Arsacid line in Persia. 493. 242. Mani began his teaching. 247. Goths crossed Danube in a great raid. 251. Great victory of Goths. Em- peror Decius killed. 260. Sapor I, the second Sassanid shah, took Antioch, captured the Emperor Valerian, and was cut up on his return from 527. Asia Minor by Odenathus of 529. Palmyra. 277. Mani crucified in Persia. 284. Diocletian became emperor. 303. Diocletian persecuted the Christians. 531. 311. Galerius abandoned the per- 543. secution of the Christians. 312. Constantine the Great be- 553. came emperor. 323. Constantine presided over the 565. Council of Nicsea. 337. Constantine baptized on his death-bed. 361-3. Julian the Apostate at- 570. tempted to substitute Mi- 579. thraism for Christianity. 392. Theodosius the Great em- peror of east and west. 590. 395. Theodosius the Great died. Honorius and Arcadius re- 610. divided the empire with 619. Stilicho and Alaric as their masters and protectors. 410. The Visigoths under Alaric captured Rome. 622. 425. Vandals settling in south of 627. Spain. Huns in Pannonia, Goth; in Dalmatia. Visi- goths and Suevi in Portugal and North Spain. English 628. invading Britain. 439. Vandals took Carthage. 451. Attila raided Gaul and was de- feated by Franks, Alemanni, and Romans at Troyes. 629. 453. Death of Attila. 632. 455. Vandals sacked Rome. 476. Odoacer, king of a medley of 634. Teutonic tribes, informed Constantinople that there was no emperor in the West. End of the "Western Empire. Theodoric, the Ostrogoth, conquered Italy and became King of Italy, but was nominally subject to Con- stantinople. (Gothic kings in Italy. Goths settled on special confiscated lands as a garri- son.) Justinian emperor. Justinian closed the schools at Athens, which had flourished nearly a thousand years. Belisarius (Justi- nian's general) took Naples. Chosroes I began to reign. Great plague in Constanti- nople. Goths expelled from Italy by Justinian. Justinian died. The Lombards conquered most of North Italy (leaving Ravenna and Rome Byzantine). Muhammad born. Chosroes I died. (The Lombards dominant in Italy.) Plague raged in Rome. Chos- roes II began to reign. Heraclius began to reign. Chosroes II held Egypt, Jeru- salem, Damascus, and had armies on Hellespont. Tang Dynasty began in China. The Hegira. Great Persian defeat at Nine- veh by Heraclius. Tai- tsung became Emperor of China. Kavadh II murdered and suc- ceeded his father, Chosroes II. Muhammad wrote letters to all the rulers of the earth. Muhammad returned to Mecca. Muhammad died. Abu Bekr Caliph. Battle of the Yarmuk. Moslems took Syria. Omar second Caliph.