Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/432

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412 A.D. 1547. 1556. 1558. 1566. 1603. 1620. 1625. 1626. 1643. 1644. 1648. Chronological Table 1649. 1658. 1660. 1674. 1683. 1689. 1701. 1707. 1713. Ivan IV (the Terrible) took the title of Tsar of Russia. Charles V abdicated. Akbar, Great Mogul (to 1605). Ignatius of Loyola died. Death of Charles V. Suleiman the Magnificent died. James I King of England and Scotland. M ay flower expedition founded New Plymouth. First negro slaves landed at Jamestown (Va.). Charles I of England. Sir Francis Bacon (Lord Verulam) died. Louis XIV began his reign of seventy-two years. The Manchus ended the Ming Dynasty. Treaty of Westphalia. There- by Holland and Switzer- land were recognized as free republics and Prussia became important. The treaty gave a complete vic- tory neither to the Imperial Crown not to the Princes. War of the Fronde ; it ended in the complete vic- tory of the French crown. Execution of Charles I of Eng- land. Aurungzeb Great Mogul. Cromwell died. Charles II of England. Nieuw Amsterdam finally became British by treaty and was renamed New York. The last Turkish attack on Vienna defeated by John III of Poland. Peter the Great of Russia. (To 1725.) Frederick I first King of Prussia. Death of Aurungzeb. The empire of the Great Mogul disintegrated. Frederick the Great of Prussia born. A.D. 1715. 1755- 1759. 1760. 1763. 1769. -1774, 1776. 1783, 1787. 1788, 1789, 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1798. 1799. 1804. Louis XV of France. 63. Britain and France struggled for America and India. France in alliance with Austria and Russia against Prussia and Britain (1756-63) ; the Seven Years War. The British general, Wolfe, took Quebec. George III of Britain. Peace of Paris ; Canada ceded to Britain. British dominant in India. Napoleon Bonaparte born. . Louis XVI began his reign. Declaration of Independence by the United States of America. Treaty of Peace between Britain and the new United States of America. The Constitutional Conven- tion of Philadelphia set up the Federal Government of the United States. France discovered to be bankrupt. First Federal Congress of the United States at New York. The French States-General assembled. Storming of the Bastille. , Flight to Varennes. , France declared war on Austria : Prussia declared war on France. Battle of Valmy. France became a republic. , Louis XVI beheaded. . Execution of Robespierre and end of the Jacobin republic. . The Directory. Bonaparte suppressed a revolt and went to Italy as comman- der-in-chief. Bonaparte went to Egypt. Battle of the Nile. Bonaparte returned to France. He became First Consul with enormous powers. Bonaparte became Emperor. Francis II took the title of