Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/72

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52 A Short History of The World races. One of these races was of a very high type indeed ; it was tall and big-brained. One of the women's skulls found exceeds in capacity that of the average man of to-day. One of the men's skeletons is over six feet in height. The physical type resembled that of the North American Indian. From the Cro-Magnon cave in which the first skeletons were found these people have been called Cro-Mag- nards. They were savages, but savages of a high order. The second race, the race of the Grimaldi cave remains, was distinctly negroid in ONE OF THEi MARVELLOUS CAVE PAINTINGS OF ALTAMIRA, NORTH SPAIN The Walls ot the Caves are covered with these representations of Bulls, etc., painted in soft tones of red shaded to black. These paintings may be fifteen or twenty thousand years old its characters. Its nearest living affinities are the Bushmen and Hottentots of South Africa. It is interesting to find at the very outset of the known human story, that mankind was already racially divided into at least two main varieties ; and one is tempted to such unwarrantable guesses as that the former race was probably brownish rather than black and that it came from the East or North, and that the latter was blackish rather than brown and came from the equa- torial south. And these savages of perhaps forty thousand years ago were so human that they pierced shells to make necklaces, painted them-