Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/90

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70 A Short History of The World now speak of as the Nordic race. In the more open regions of north eastern Asia was another differentiation of this brownish humanity in the direction of a type with more obhque eyes, high cheekbones, a yellowish skin and very straight black hair, the Mongolian peoples. In South Africa, Australia, in many tropical islands in the south of Asia were remains of the early negroid peoples. The central parts of Africa were already a region of racial intermixture. Nearly all the coloured races of Africa to-day seem to be blends of the brownish peoples of the north with a negroid substratum. We have to remember that human races can all interbreed freely and that they separate, mingle and reunite as clouds do. Human races do not branch out like trees with branches that never come together again. It is a thing we need to bear constantly in mind, this remingling of races at any opportunity. It will save us from many cruel delusions and prejudices if we do so. People will use such a word as race in the loosest manner, and base the most pre- posterous generalizations upon it. They will speak of a " British " race or of a " European " race. But nearly all the European nations are confused mixtures of brownish, dark-white, white and Mon- golian elements. Eskimo— "'"' ' Jj Chinese kalians _<' , , / ^-~~^ GupWi^ ( ^"TTnasi? Aryan iTniums I oSiajnese i -Australouis ^Maori of -TafTtiaiuans Man ?/ n,G.W:del. tJKH.fcc.l OrcruxiS, Apes' Pithecanthropus ~J. Arboreal '■^ [y Apes J of Gurrctxt Idjcaf oC -tl-LC RELATIONSHIP of HUMAN RACES (It must be. fxirruz ux mmd thst human races uTterbreed freely.'}