Page:A Sketch of the Dynasties of Southern India.djvu/6

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The contents of this volume are extracted from a larger work, Vol. II, of the Archeological Survey series of Southern India. It is thought that the separate publication of this slight historical sketch may be of use to many students of history who would not care to burden themselves with a larger work, much of which is taken up with lists of Inscriptions and Chronological Tables intended for the use of those practically engaged in making the bricks out of which the complete historical structure will hereafter be built.

This sketch of the Dynasties is, of course, not intended as a complete history. The subject of South Indian History is as yet in its infancy, and it is only because it is felt very strongly that a beginning must be made in some shape or another that this volume makes its appearance. Armed with this, readers will, it is hoped, feel themselves on fairly sure ground when they seek for information regarding some kingdom or sovereign of the peninsula, and little by little we shall advance in our knowledge.

Some of the principal families, not royal, who can boast of antiquity have been included in this list, since all information of that kind helps forward our knowledge of the march of events.

The arrangement is alphabetical, to assist reference.