Page:A Sketch of the Dynasties of Southern India.djvu/8

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General Histobioal Sketoh • • . . • • 1 Alupafl, the — . . . . . . • • 4 'A dil Shfihi Dynasty of Bijapur . . id. Ahmadnagar, Nizftm Shahi Dynasty of id. Andhras • • • • . . • • • • id» Andhra-Jfttakae 7 > •• •• •• • Andhra-Bbrityas I Avaku or Auku Zemindars . • • . id. BshmanI Dynasty • • . • • « id. BaUftlas • , • • . . . . • • id. BanavSsi Ksidambas of . • • • • . id. Band Sh&M Dynasty at Bidar or Abma- dftbsd . . • . • • • • • • id. Bednur Ksjas • • . . • • • . id. Bidar or AhmadAbSd, Barfd Shahi Dynasty of id^ Bijapur or Yijayapura, 'AdQ ShOhi Dynasty of . . • • . • . • id* BlrSr, 'Imfid Sliftlii Dynasty of . . . • id. Ghalnkyas, Western Clialukyas, and Western Chslukyas 8 Ohftlnkyas, Eastern 11 Cheras . • . . • • . • . . 13 Cholas •• .. •• ». .. 14 Dakkan, Muhammadan Kings of tke . • 21 BshmanI Dynasty of Kulbarga, or Ahsan&bftd 22 Band ShShi Dynasty of Bidar, or AJbmadfibad 24 'Adil Shfthi Dynasty of Bijapur, or Vijayapura id. 'Lnfid Sb&bi Dynasty of BirSr, Capi- tal Ellicbpur 25 Nizam SbSbi Dynasty of Ahmadna- gar • • « • • • . . 26 Qutb Shfihi Dynasty of Qolkon4a. . 27 Delhi, Mul^ammadan Kings and Em- perors of 28 "Slave Kings" 29 Khilji Dynasty, the — . . , . id.

Pag9 Tughlik Dynasty, the— • . 30 Saiyid Eulers id. L5dl Dynasty, the id. Mogul Emperors 31 Devagiri Yadayas 32 Dvfirasamudra Yfidavas • • . . • id. Eastern GhSlukyas • • • . «  • id. Ganapatis of Orangal • • id. Gangas of Kalingft 34 Gangas of Mais€r • , . . id. Golkoiwja, Qutb SLshi Dynasty of 35 Guttas id. HaidarSbad, NizSms of id. HoySala Ballalas 36 IkkSri, Keladi, or Bednilr Bajas 37 'Imad flbahi Dynasty of Blrflr . • 38 Jeypore Bsjas • • . . . « , id. Kadambas and Ksdambas . . • 39 Kalachuiis or Kalachuiyas 42 Kslahasti Zemindaii, the 43 KalifigS, Gangas of id. Kanva or Kanwa Dynasty, the • . 44 KftrvStinagara, 2iemindarfl of . . id. Keladi Eajas 45 Kerala Kings • • • • • • id. Kime4iy Zemindars of id. Kondayl^u, BecJ^i Chiefs of • . • 47 Kongu or Ganga Kings, the . . 49 Kulbarga, BshmanI Dynasty of 51 Madura, Sovereigns of , . 62 Mahrattas • . id' • The Chief Dynasty id' The Dynasty of Tanjore • , 53 MaisurBsjas 54 Malayftlam Country, Eulers of . . 55 Manyakheta Bdjas 57 Matangas • • • id' Mauryas 58