Page:A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland.djvu/59

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STYPHELIA tubiflora.

Crimson Styphelia.


PENTANDRIA Monogynia. Fl. inferior, of 1 petal, with seed-vessels.

Gen. Char. Cal. imbricatus. Cor. tubulosa. Stam. fauci inserta. Drupa quinquelocularis. Semina bina.

Cal. imbricated. Cor. tubular. Stam. inserted into its orifice. Drupa of 5 cells, with 2 seeds in each.

Spec. Char. S. corolla clavata longissima: limbo revoluto hirsuto, floribus axillaribus solitariis, foliis obovato-linearibus.
Corolla club-shaped, very long; limb revolute and hairy. Flowers axillary, solitary. Leaves linear, slightly obovate.

IT has lately been a complaint among cultivators of plants, that the vegetable productions of New Holland,