Page:A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland.djvu/63

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Limb of the corolla spreading, slightly downy. Flowers axillary, solitary. Leaves elliptical, a little concave.

6. S. lanceolata, corollæ limbo revoluto hirsuto, racemis aggregatis terminalibus, foliis lineari-lanceolatis.

Limb of the corolla revolute, hairy. Clusters aggregate, terminal. Leaves linear-lanceolate.

Syn. Epacris juniperina, Linn. Suppl. 138.

fasciculata, Forst. Prod. 13. Gen. 10.
Ardisia acerosa, Gærtn. Sem. vol. 2. 78. t. 94. f. 2?

This in good fair specimens has no resemblance to Juniper, and the term acerosa is applicable to almost every species, as is that of fasciculata likewise to the following. We have therefore been obliged to find a name which might not mislead.

7. S. elliptica, corollæ limbo patente imberbi, racemis aggregatis subterminalibus, foliis lanceolato-ellipticis.

Limb of the corolla spreading, naked. Clusters aggregate, mostly terminal. Leaves elliptical, somewhat lanceolate.

All these species have the leaves tipped with a sharp point, which in S. daphnoides is less pungent that in the rest.