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salt sellers, 351; saltpetre sellers, 3; gunpowder sellers, 55; sellers of soap, 133; sellers of tiká, 44; dealers in firewood, 2954; timber merchants, 64; charcoal dealers, 184; sellers of cow dung, 12; dealers in bamboo, 115 ; dealers in thatch, 875; dealer in hemp, 1; dealers in rope, 421; wood cutters, 699; dealers in hides, 3272; dealers in bones, 6; dealers in horns, 9; leather dealers and skinners (chámárs), 1121. Total of Class VI., 1,097,069.

Class VII.— Miscellaneous persons, not classed otherwise:— House owners, 868; pensioners, 781; beggars and paupers, 12,581; professional thieves, 351; apprentices, 107; labourers, 161,803; unemployed, 89,596; male children, 376,988. Total of Class VII., 643,075. Grand total of males, 1,455,616.

Occupations of Females.—The general caution which I have prefixed to the foregoing statistics of the employment of the people applies with special force to this section. Class I., nil. Class II., professional persons: — Nuns, 34; priestesses, 523; female spiritual guides, 89; female astrologer, 1; female missionaries, 11; schoolmistresses, 87; governesses, 12; female teachers, 4; female students, 2864; nurses, 441; midwives, 9; dáis, 417; female vaccinators, 49; female medical practitioners, 11; musicians, 2; singers, 54; jugglers, 14; dancers, 58; painters, 260. Total, 4940. Class III., females employed in service:— Personal servants, 4119; ayahs, 8714; nurses, 171; cooks, 790; zanáná attendants, 6168; female gardener, 1; female barbers, 793; washerwomen, 2351; female sweepers (mihtránís), 1321; female water carriers, 86; brothel keepers, 80; prostitutes, 15,380; unspecified, 39. Total, 40,013. Class IV., females employed in agriculture and with animals:—Female landholders (zamíndárs), 591; female leaseholders (patnídárs), 9; holders of rent-free estates (lákhirádárs) 455; small landholders (jotdárs), 1198; subordinate landlords (tálukdárs), 132; female cultivators with occupancy rights, 18; ordinary female cultivators, 3899; dealers in goats, 14; poultry dealers, 21; cowherds, 45; grass cutters, 649. Total, 7031. Class V., females engaged in commerce and trade:— Carriage owners, 110; cart owners, 9; árat keeper, 1; bullock drivers, 3; boat owners, 2; money lenders, 301; retail dealers, 787; shopkeepers, 3103; bepárís, 13. Total, 4329. Class VI., females employed in manufactures, and in sale of goods prepared for consumption:—Dealers in hardware, 3; dealers in pottery, 481; dealers in lime, 58; cane workers, 103; basket makers, 629;