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O'Grady, Alice (Moulton), and Throop, Frances: The Story-Teller's Book. Rand.

Olcott, F. J.: "Story-Telling as a Means of Teaching Literature." N.Y. Libraries; vol. 4, pp. 38–43. Feb., 1914.

Olcott, Frances, and Pendleton, Amena: The Jolly Book for Boys and Girls. Houghton.

Partridge, E. N., and Partridge, G. E.: Story-Telling in School and Home. Sturgis.

St. John, Edward: Stories and Story-Telling. Westminster Press, Phila.

Shedlock, Marie: Art of the Story Teller. Appleton.

Speare, Georgina: "Story-Telling as an Art." Kindergarten Review, Dec., 1913, to May, 1914.

The Storyteller's Company: The Storyteller's Magazine. New York.

The Voice

Corson, Hiram: Voice and Spiritual Education. Macmillan.

Curry, Samuel S.: Foundations of Expression. Expression Co.

Ibid.: Province of Expression: Expression Co.

Rush, James: The Philosophy of the Human Voice. Lippincott.

Quintilian, Marcus F.: Institutes of Oratory. Macmillan.

Gesture and Phonetics

Chamberlain, W. B., and Clark, S. H.: Principles of Vocal Expression. Scott.

Jespersen, Otto: Growth and Structure of the English Language. Stechert.

Jones, Daniel: Pronunciation of English; Phonetics and Phonetic Transcriptions. Putnam.

Ibid.: Chart of English Speech Sounds. Oxford.

Rippman, Walter: Elements of Phonetics, English, French, and German. Dent.

Ibid.: The Sounds of Spoken English. Dent.

Sweet, Henry: Primer of Phonetics. Oxford.