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Hewins, Caroline M.: The History of Children's Books. Atlantic, 61: 112 (Jan., 1888).

Jacobs, Joseph: Reynard the Fox. Cranford Series. Macmillan.

Ibid.: Fairy Tales. Introduction, Notes and Appendix. Putnam.

Keightley, Thomas: Fairy Mythology. Macmillan.

Ibid.: Tales and Popular Fictions. Whittaker & Co., London, 1834.

Lang, Andrew: Custom and Myth. Longmans, London, 1893.

Mabie, Hamilton: Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know. Introduction. Doubleday.

MacDonald, George: The Light Princess. Introduction. Putnam.

Magazine: "Myths and Fairy Tales." Fortnightly Review, May, 1872.

Mitchell, Donald G.: About Old Story-Tellers. Scribners. 1877.

Moses, Montrose: Children's Books and Reading. Kennerley.

Mulock, Miss: Fairy Book. Preface. Crowell.

Pearson, Edwin. Banbury Chap-Books and Nursery Toy-Book Literature (18th and early 19th centuries). London. A. Reader, 1890.

Perrault, Charles: Popular Tales. Edited by A. Lang. Introduction. Oxford, 1888.

Ritson, J.: Fairy Tales. Pearson, London, 1831.

Scott, Sir Walter: Minstrelsy of Scottish Border. Preface to Tamlane, "Dissertation on Fairies," p. 108.

Skinner, H. M.: Readings in Folk-Lore. American Book Co.

Steel, Flora A.: Tales of the Punjab. Introduction and Appendix. Macmillan.

Tabart, Benj.: Fairy Tales, or the Lilliputian Cabinet. London, 1818.

Review: The Quarterly Review, 1819, No. 41, pp. 91–112.

Tappan, Eva M.: The Children's Hour. Introduction to "Folk-Stories and Fables." Houghton.

Taylor, Edgar: German Popular Stories. Introduction by Ruskin. Chatto & Windus.