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1 The Cat and the Parrot or The Greedy Cat, How to Tell Stones, Bryant; Tales of Laughter, Wiggin and Smith.
1 The Cat That Waited, Classics in Dramatic Form, vol. 1, Stevenson.
* The Cat, the Cock, and the Fox, Tales of Laughter, Wiggin and Smith.
1 Clytie, Nature Myths, Flora Cooke.
1 The Cock, the Mouse, and the Little Red Hen, Félicité Lefèvre, Jacobs.
* The Country Mouse and the City Mouse, Æsop's Fables, Joseph Jacobs.
* Dame Wiggins and Her Cats, Mrs. Sharp, in Six Nursery Classics, Heath.
* The Discontented Pendulum, Jane Taylor, in In the Child's World, Poulsson.
* The Doll Who Was Sister to a Princess, The Toy Stories, Carolyn Bailey, Kindergarten Review, Dec., 1914.
* Drakesbill, The Story-Teller's Book, O'Grady and Throop; The Fairy Ring, Wiggin and Smith; Firelight Stories, Bailey.
* The Elephant's Child, Just-So Stories, Kipling.
1 The First Christmas Tree, A Little Book of Profitable Tales, Eugene Field.
1 The Five Little Pigs, Katherine Pyle, in Wide Awake Second Reader, Little.
* The Foolish Timid Rabbit, Jataka Tales Retold, Babbit.
  The Golden Cock, That's Why Stories, Bryce.
1 Golden Rod and Aster, Nature Myths, Cooke.
  The Grain of Corn (Old Woman and Her Pig), Tales of the Punjab, Steel.
1 Greencap, Ruth Hays, in St. Nicholas, June, 1915.
1 Hans and the Four Big Giants, Miss Harrison, In Storyland.
1 The Hen That Hatched Ducks, Harriet Beecher Stowe, in Child Life in Prose, Whittier.
* The Hop-About-Man, Agnes Herbertson, in The Story-