Page:A Study of the Manuscript Troano.djvu/117

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days of the year. Kan at the east, Muluc at the north, Gix"" or Hix at the west, and Cauac at the south, to be counted in the same order."[1]

The statement of Cogulludo, which agrees substantially with this, is as follows: "They fixed the first year at the east, to which they gave the name Cuch-haab; the second at the west, and called it Hiix; the third at the south, named Cauac, and the fourth, Muluc, at the north."

Turning now to Landa's work (Relac. des Cosas, §§ XXXIV), we are somewhat surprised to find the following language: "The first of these dominical letters is Kan. The year having this character was the first, and had for its sign the Bacab, the other names of which were Hobnil, Kanal-Baeab, Kan-pauah-tun, Kan-xib-chac. They placed this on the south side. The second letter is Muluc, which is placed on the eastern side, and this year has for its sign the Bacab, which is called Canzienal, Chacal-Bacab, Chac-pauah-tun, Chac-xib-chac. The third of these letters is Yx. The sign during this year was the Bacab named Zac-zini, Zacal-Bacab, Zac-pauah-tun, Zac-xib-chac, and it signified the northern side. The fourth letter is Cauac; the sign of this year is the Bacab called Hozan-ek, Ekel-Bacab, Ek-pauah-tun, Ek-xib-chac, which is assigned to the western side."[2]

This, as we see, places Kan at the south, Muluc at the east, Ix at the north, and Cauac at the west, conflicting directly with the statements made by Cogulludo and Perez. If we turn now to the descriptions of the four feasts as given by Landa, and heretofore quoted, I think we shall find an explanation of this difference. From his account of the feast at the commencement of the Kan year (the intercalated days of the Cauac year), we learn that first they made an idol called Kan-u-uayeyab, which they bore to the heap of stones on the south side of the village; next they made a statue of the god Bolon-Zacab, which they placed in the house of the elected chief,

  1. "Estos indianos pintavan una rueda peqneña, en la cual ponian los cuatro geroglificos de los dias con que principiava el año, Kan al oriente, Muluc al uorte, Hix al poniente, y Cauac al sur, para que se coutasen en el mismo orden." (Cronologla Antigna, § VII.)
  2. "La primera pues de las letras dominicales es Kan. El año que esta letra servia era el aguero del Bacab que por otros nombres Haman Hobnil, Kanal Bacab, Kan-paudh-tun, Kan-xib-chac. A este señalavan a la parte de medio dia. La segunda letra es Muluc señalavanle al oriente, su año era agnero el Bacab que llamau Canzienal, Chacal Bacab, Chac-pauah-lun, Chac-xib-chac. La tercera letra es Yx. Su año era aguero el Bacab que llaman Zaczini-zacal-Bacab, Zac-pauahtun, Zac-xibchac, señalavanle a la parte del norte. Lia quatra letra es Cauac; su año era aguero el Bacab que llaman Hozanek, Ekel-Bacab, Ek-pauah-tun, Ek-xib-chac; a este señalavan a la parte del poniente."