Page:A Study of the Manuscript Troano.djvu/220

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wash.[1] The hand here figured I take to be simply a pictorial representation.

The characters in the right-hand compartment of the middle division of the same plate, I think probably relate to the offerings of honey and tortillas for the dead.

Fig. 86.

The character represented in Fig. 84, found so frequently on Plates I* to X* and elsewhere, may denote pieces of honey-comb, or a kind of drink made of honey, as Brasseur says (note in Landa's Relacion), "honey that has passed into the state of hydromel, which was their ordinary wine."

  1. I follow, in most cases, the interpretation given by Brasseur in his Maya lexicon, and make no attempt to give oblique forms, as my knowledge of the Maya language is too limited for this.