Page:A Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana.djvu/17

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and on the north by an east and west line drawn through the southerly extremes of lake Michigan, running east, after intersecting the due north line aforesaid, from the north of the Great Miami, until it shall intersect lake Erie, or the territorial line, and thence with the same through lake Erie, to the Pennsylvania line aforesaid."

The number of inhabitants, since the peace with the Indians, in 1795, has been rapidly increasing. In 1803, it appeared that there were 15,314 white males of 21 years of age and upwards. Calculating on this data, it has been supposed, that the whole number of inhabitants at that time could not be less than 76,000. It has been presumed that the emigrants coming into the State annually, for several years, were about 12,000. The embarrassment, however, occasioned by the embargo, operated as a very serious check on the acquisition of inhabitants from the other States, as well as from foreign nations. The present number within the State, cannot with much certainty be ascertained. By a late estimation, from the probable natural increase, and the additions by emigration, the population is stated, in round numbers, to be 200,000. The accuracy of this estimation will soon be decided by the next census.[1]

Having traversed a large portion of the State in several directions, it will be attempted to give a

  1. By the census taken in 1810, the number of inhabitants are 230,843.