Page:A Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana.djvu/57

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are frequently seen swimming across the largest rivers, and are extremely destructive to fields of Indian corn.

Of the winged fowls, the swan and pelican are sometimes seen; geese, brant, and ducks of various species, are found in the rivers; turkies, pheasants, partridges, and quails in abundance, in the forests. Turkies are still in great plenty, though perhaps not so numerous, as before the settlements commenced. They are of a large size, and the flesh of an excellent flavour. Large flocks visit the wheat fields after sowing, and at the time of harvest, and often greatly injure the crop. When their eggs are hatched under hens, the turkey chickens will be tame, and in this way the wild turkey is easily domesticated. The pigeons are so numerous as almost to exceed credibility. At certain times in the year, vast flights resort to particular places, called pigeon roosts. Many of these roosts extend over more than an hundred acres of land, and it is said, some have been found to exceed a thousand acres. They light upon the trees in such numbers as to fill all the branches, and, by their weight, break off large limbs. Every tree in these extended roosts is killed, and the dung on the ground, which has been found from twelve to eighteen inches deep, destroying every species of vegetation beneath them. The green paroquet with a yellow crown, a species of the parrot, is very common. It has a harsh, unpleasant note, and although easily tamed, it cannot