Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/132

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miles from their own coast; which is in reality an useless indulgence, for the only banks in the North-sea on which fish is to be caught in any quantities are beyond the allowed limits, and therefore if the fisherman, to follow his trade, goes out so far to sea, he incurs the risque of being taken; a risque which few are disposed to hazard, from the number and vigilance of our cruisers which are on the coast of Holland.

In its more auspicious days, the Hague maintained a troop of French comedians and the performers of the Dutch theatre. It could also boast of an elegant concert, with good Italian voices, and other amusements suitable to the princely and wealthy inhabitants of a great city. At present its public entertainments are reduced to the Dutch theatre, the actors of which, instead of being stationary at the Hague, perform only twice a week, and on the remaining days exhibit their talents to the citizens of Delft and Rotterdam. We therefore saw the same troop of actors which on a former occasion I introduced to your acquaintance, and to our mortification