Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/16

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love with all the partial affection of friendship the rudest of Nature's sons, when I perceive in him those delicate charities of affiance, which bind the individual to his family; and I consider those acts of public virtue which are founded upon violations of parental and private affection, as criminal offences against the holiest laws of nature.

Our flag was struck on the firing of a musket, the only gun I ever heard (as the sailors term it) fired in anger, the sound of which yet tingles in my ear; and a boat from the corsair immediately took possession of our vessel. The captain and crew, with the little baggage which they were allowed to take away with them, were then carried on board the Frenchman; and it was in contemplation that the passengers, consisting of three females[1] and myself, should follow them; but as I was persuaded we should be exposed to much inconvenience and distress on board a vessel that was crowded with men,

  1. The wife of the Writer of these Letters, to whom, with the sincerest affection, he inscribes them; their servant; and a poor woman who was returning from the country to her family in London.