Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/190

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Departure from Leyden. — Haerlem. — Dutch cleanliness. — Custom of smoking. — Prevalency of the use of tobacco in Holland. — Famous organ of Haerlem. — The revolution has not altered the dress or manners of the Dutch. — Coins of the same as before the revolution. — House of Mr. Hope. — Haerlem claims the honour of having invented the art of printing. — Laurence Costar. — Defence of Haerlem against the Spaniards. — Violation of the articles of capitulation by Frederic of Toledo. — The infancy of the republic the brightest period in its annals. — Gueses. — Museum of natural history. — Its scientific arrangement. — Teylerian institution. — Bleacheries of Haerlem.

Haerlem, November, 1800.

WE passed from Leyden to this city in the usual conveyance of the country, the treckschuyt, and having places in the roof, sociable company, and the advantage of fine weather, the voyage was uncommonly pleasant.