Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/268

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be imagined, and I should suppose it was resorted to only by the lowest classes of the Jewish race.

The revolution has not produced any changes in the ecclesiastical policy of the United Provinces. The ministers of the established church, that of the reformer of Geneva, though they are almost without exception attached to the old government, and consequently hostile to the new, continue to receive their regular salaries from the state, and perform unmolested the duties of their sacred function. The churches and other places dedicated to pious uses, are well attended on days of public worship. That day which the christian world has peculiarly appropriated to the service of religion, is kept in Amsterdam with becoming solemnity and observance; and I believe there is, in general, less indifference on religious subjects in Holland, than in any part of Europe. There is not, however, much zeal. The happy toleration which all the sectaries enjoy, and the wise seclusion of the ministers of the established church from any concern