Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/274

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tragic, and on the other of the comic muse, which are spiritedly executed, and produce a good effect.

The play was a tragedy founded on a domestic story, and by no means destitute of striking incident or feeling, though perhaps sometimes too declamatory for the genuine march of passion. The performance of the actors in general was highly respectable, and we were much gratified in particular with the acting of Madame Kaphuyze, the Mrs. Siddons of the Dutch stage, who was the heroine of the piece. This lady possesses most of the requisites which are necessary to form an excellent actress. She is tall and well formed in her person; and her features are beautiful and expressive. Her voice is powerful, and capable of all the variety of tones which different passions require. She is spoken of as a woman not only of great judgment in whatever relates to her profession, but with respect to literature in general as a person of singular acquirements and knowledge. Madame Kaphuyze is thought by her admirers