Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/284

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three or Four times round the body of the child, and securely fastened with pins at its feet. These ligatures are Removed, and the flannels changed, according to the circumstances of the parents; but whether the offspring of opulent persons or poor, the use of water and ablutions are rigorously denied to infants. For many months the under dress of children consists entirely of woollen garments; and when they are permitted to go abroad, the greatest care is taken, by wrapping them up in a flannel mantle, which covers their heads, to prevent them from respiring the free air.

Thus absurdly managed, Dutch infants are sickly, squalid objects; and the ruddy tints of health never appear on their cheeks till they are liberated from the restraints of the nursery. Children, particularly females, are frequently indulged in the pernicious use of chauffepies or stoves, and this custom invariably gives them an unwholesome, diseased appearance.

I must not omit to mention a practice — which I believe is peculiar to Holland. When a