Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/398

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or suffer any diminution by erroneous opinions, by artful insinuations, or by the first false impressions which rumours circulated relating to it might occasion, have deemed it advisable, and have resolved to declare by this present writing, that according to the reports made on this subject by the committee of commerce and marine, duly authorised by the provisional representatives to examine into the state of the said bank, it appeared, that if the information given by the clerks in the bank, in answer to the enquiries of the committee, and if the balance last struck, are correct, which Ultimately will be minutely examined, no deficiency whatever will exist in the said bank, and the debits and credits will precisely balance, with this exception, that, instead of specie, there have been received into the said bank from time to time, as securities for large sums advanced by it within the last fifty years, a very considerable number of bonds, viz.

Seventy bonds of the India company of Amsterdam, guaranteed by the states of that province, being each for 100,000 florins banco, at three per cent interest; besides a similar one of 50,000 banco; on which there will be due, according to the calculation of the said clerks,