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that this city, as debtor to the bank, shall, with all practicable dispatch, discharge in cash the balance of its account with the said bank; which being done, the provisional representatives declare that there can exist no deficiency of any kind soever, and that they will, without delay, take into their serious consideration, and will carry into immediate effect, the means to obtain this end.

The provisional representatives, nevertheless, declare, that this notification is only made to maintain duly the credit of the bank of this city, and to tranquillise the minds of foreigners and the commercial part of its inhabitants. But they desire by no means to be considered as approving of, or confirming, the use that may have been made of the deposits of the bank, and much less of discharging, by any thing in this proclamation, those who may be reprehensible on that subject.

Given and published Feb. 5th, 1795, the first year of Batavian liberty. By order of the aforesaid representatives.
G. Brender.
A. Brandis, Secretary.