Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/41

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of boors, in the sense to which we apply it. But I much doubt whether, in the whole circle of the United Provinces, any thing is to be found, either belonging to the peasants or their habitations, which approximates in the least to rural elegance, or that bewitching simplicity of taste which mocks the progress of false refinement.

We passed through Delft at a time which afforded us an opportunity of seeing the flying artillery attached to General Chorié's brigade. The appearance of the men and horses was wretched in the extreme, but Chorié assured me their discipline was excellent; and they had, the preceding year, when the English invaded Holland, rendered very important services to the republic. They had also gathered laurels in Germany. But their squalid countenances and tattered clothing furnished me rather with the idea of scarecrows than soldiers. Their artillery, however, was formidable: twelve long brass field-pieces, carrying shot of six pounds weight, or a proportionate quantity of musket-balls, were capable, in the hands of so expert artillerymen