Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/5

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Capture of the Author on the Coast of Yorkshire, by a French privateer. Character of the prize-master and his crew: their ignorance of navigation. The Dutch pilot: his advice. Arrival off the Briel. Politeness and hospitality of the Dutch commodore. Account of the Briel. The tree of liberty. The face of the country.
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Civility of the Dutch commodore: singular learning of his chief Officer. A Batavian patriot: his suspicions and rudeness. Dutch tardiness. The unpleasantness of detention. The great influence of the French in Holland.
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End of the Author's detention through the means of General Chorié. Impoverished state of Maaslandsluys. Road to Delft, The Artillery of General Chorié's Brigade, Character of the General. The environs of Rotterdam, State-house of that city. George the Second.
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Rotterdam − Its convenient situation for trade − The impoverished state of its commerce. A singular preference given to cloth of English manufacture. Amicable system of privateering. Corsairs belonging to British subjects which sailed under the French flag. Abuses corrected by Bonaparte. The streets of Rotterdam.
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