Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/67

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of the antistadtholderian party? The moderation and good sense of the times have greatly relaxed the severity of the patriots in this and other respects, and oranges may now be eaten without subjecting the persons so offending to the suspicion of incivism, though some are yet scrupulous of admitting that fruit to their tables.

The concert at Rotterdam is the most fashionable amusement of the place, and invariably well attended. The band is numerous, but, consisting rather of amateurs than persons who live by the exercise of their musical talents, its excellence is not great. It would be difficult, however, in a provincial town of England, Bath excepted, to find a band of superior merit; and this I believe is to be attributed to the general estimation, over other entertainments, in which music is held on the continent. The Dutch language is so dissonant and inharmonious, that their vocal performances are seldom pleasing to the ear of a stranger: a female singer possessed a powerful and melodious voice, but the recurrence of harsh, grating words in her song